Suresh Gopi’s daughter Bhagya Suresh sure is a chop off the old block! Recently she gave it back like a boss to someone who gave her tips on how to dress to look slimmer. It was under the photo of Bhagya wearing a Kerala saree to share her happiness on graduating from British Columbia University that the verbal altercation happened.

“Congratulations. I would recommend you get rid of the saree and put on some proper Western dress. The problem with a saree is that it’s not an attire for those with an excess of horizontality, compared to perpendicularity. Western skirt and blouse would make you really smart,” commented someone under her picture.


Bhagya replied: “Thank you for your valuable opinion that no one asked for. My horizontality and perpendicularity are none of your concerns. I will continue to wear outfits that I consider appropriate. If I want to wear my traditional Kerala saree to honour my roots for my graduation ceremony in a foreign country where all Indian students are forced to blend in with the Western folk, then that’s exactly what I will wear. Why don’t you mind your own business than comment on other people’s bodies and outfits?”  

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