Actor Aanjjan Srivastav, who became a household name with the TV series 'Wagle ki Duniya' in the golden era of television, celebrated his 75th birthday recently. Friends, former co-actors and directors from the film and Television industries, including the cast and crew of shows like 'Nukkad' and 'Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi Gang To' got together to celebrate the life and times of the veteran actor. His character Srinivas Wagle was based on the characters created by cartoonist R K Laxman.

A 15-minute documentary on the life and times of Aanjjan Srivastav was also screened on the day. Directors and writers Rajkumar Santoshi, Tigmanshu Dhulia, Sanjay Chell, Aatish Kapadia and Kumar Mangat, along with singer Udit Narayan, actors Kanwaljeet, Anang Desai, JD Majethia, Ali Azgar, Ila Arun, KK Raina, Sulbha Arya, Satish Shah, Avatar Gill, Akhilendra Mishra, Mukesh Rishi, Rakesh Bedi, Haider Ali, Surendra Pal, Sanjay Nirupam, and the whole Wagle Team, as well as the 'Pushpa Impossible' cast, attended the event.

Aanjjan, who became very emotional during his celebrations, gave credit for his smooth journey and success to his wife, Madhu Srivastav. "I used to be very busy working three shifts a day; bank jobs, theatre, films, and TV serials, but my wife, Madhu, took care of the smallest of the small and biggest of the big things for me: what to wear, what to eat, my medicines, my faith, everything. Sometimes I even couldn't handle things calmly, but she has always been stable and calm no matter what. I salute her! Today, she has a big hand in my success. All this would not have been possible without her help."

Aanjjan mostly celebrates his birthday with his immediate colleagues, but this year, he tried to get every single person who was part of his journey under one roof. He says, "My children wanted to celebrate my 75th birthday with great pomp. Friends came and expressed their gratitude towards me. I am grateful to all of them"

After Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui and Chidiyakhana, Aanjjan will be seen in an essential role in Meghna Gulzar's Vicky Kaushal starrer 'Sam Bahadur Singh'.

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