Malayalam film Gramavrikshathile Kuyil, directed by veteran filmmaker K P Kumaran, is set to hit theatres on Friday (April 8). The film depicts the personal and creative life of the great Malayalam poet Kumaran Asan.

Kumaran, known for films like Athithi, Rugmini and Akasha Gopuram, made his latest work in 2019 when he was 81.


Eminent singer and music composer Sreevalsan J Menon plays Asan in the film. Garggi Ananthan appears as Bhanumathi Amma, Asan's wife.

Senior journalist Pramod Raman plays the role of Moorkkothu Kumaran, a friend of Asan.

The film was premiered at last year's International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK). Kumaran calls it his dream work. “It's not an ordinary biopic. The film revolves around Asan's education, relationship with Sree Narayana Guru and some incidents just before his death at the age of 50. Asan is someone who played a pivotal role in Kerala's progress towards modernity. It's important to keep remembering him,” the filmmaker said.

Kumaran's wife M Santhamma Pillai has produced the film.


K G jayan has handled the cinematography while B Ajith Kumar edited the film. Sound recording: T Krishnanunny. 

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