Kochi: The Kochi Metro has launched a new travel card exclusively for students. The card named ‘VIDYA 45’ could be used for up to fifty trips in 45 days. The students could travel to any destination using this card.

The card could be purchased for Rs 495 which means that a single trip would cost just under Rs 10. Meanwhile, the students can buy the card from any metro station by showing their identity cards issued by the respective institutions.


Those who are studying at the various coaching centers in the city, for competitive exams, too can avail of the metro card. They need to produce an undertaking, with the student’s photograph, issued by their institute.

Besides, student passes that are valid for a day or up to a month too are available. ‘VIDYA 1’ could be purchased for Rs 50 and ‘VIDYA 30’ card costs Rs 900. The students can use these cards for an unlimited number of trips.