Meera Vasudevan became a popular actress in Malayalam after playing the lead role in the movie 'Thanmatra' along with Mohanlal. Meera has been active in films since 2003 but faced some bitter experiences in her personal life. However, she overcame such setbacks and has started a new chapter in her life. Meera, who now has her son Arih for company, is back among viewers with her role in a Malayalam television serial.

Apart from acting, Meera holds travelling close to her heart. "Even though I haven't been able to set out on personal trips much, I have many dream destinations," she says.

As an actress, Meera has been fortunate to visit many places for shooting. "One of the biggest attractions of an acting career is the travelling involved," she quips.

Most people don't prefer an adventure trip. However, Meera doesn't belong to that group. "I love some adventure on a journey. During every trip, I include a sports activity, an adventure task, trekking or diving," she says.

Meera has such an experience to share from her recent outing in Bali. "Most people arriving in Bali, head to the beaches and engage in activities there. However, I chose to climb a mountain instead," she reveals.


The trek started at night. "You can imagine how risky it is to climb the hill in the darkness. But it was a thrilling affair. We set out around 3 am and enjoyed the music of the forest as well as the sounds of strange creatures. There was a pleasant breeze too. It was a great experience and when we reached the peak, the sight of a beautiful sunrise awaited us," says Meera.

"It was one of the most enjoyable trips in my life," she adds.

Meera says that she looks for new experiences during every journey as they give her new insights into life.

Benefits of the acting profession

Meera feels proud to have chosen acting as her career as she could travel to many places for shooting. "Some characters in a movie would be related to the place where the shooting takes place. We can learn about the peculiarities of such characters only after reaching the place. I always try to give full justice to my role, for which I study the area well. Later, when I travel to that location again, I remember the experiences during the previous trip and recharge myself," she says.


In other words, journeys energize my mind and body, says Meera.

Dream journey

The celebrity's favourite destinations include Thailand, Vienna, Bali and Zurich. However, her dream is a road trip along with son Arih. "My son is five years old now and I feel he is grown up enough to join me in such an adventure. So the road trip would most likely take place this year itself," according to Meera.

Travel tips

Being an experienced traveller, the star offers some tips to make your journey safe. "While visiting a foreign country, most of us would love to taste the local cuisine. Keralites particularly have a special liking for a variety of food. However, it would be safer to choose vegetarian items abroad," she feels.


In foreign countries, several types of meat and fish are consumed. "We have no idea what all the ingredients they use in the dishes. Moreover, chemicals and preservatives are seen mostly in meat and fish dishes," she points out.

Vegetables and fruits carry less risk, she says. "I am a vegetarian and being one during a journey would help you too, to minimize the chances of suffering from food poisoning, which would take away all the fun from a trip," says Meera.