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In the age of gourmet meals and Instagram-worthy platings, why did this humble dishes stand out?
Horse gram works best during the cold monsoon months. Easy on the stomach, its digestive properties are commendable.
Just as in any food, how healthy a chutney is depends on how it was prepared.
It can be served as a side, a dip or a spread as per your taste.
With mango season already upon us, now is the perfect time to explore unique mango dishes.
It would make an amazing dip to have with your crisps.
In the quaint village of Mayurbhanj in Odisha, a culinary tradition has thrived for generations, captivating locals with a unique delicacy known as “kay chutney”.
Gooseberries should be stored in places with no direct sunlight, at room temperature, and low humidity.
It is normally eaten with chutneys.
The dosa tastes amazing with coconut chutneys.
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