Renowned singer P Jayachandran, affectionately called 'Bhava Gayakan' for his soulful and emotive renditions, will be laid to rest on Saturday. The singer's mortal remains will be kept at National Higher Secondary School in Irinjalakuda at 8 am for public homage. At 10 am, the body will be moved to his ancestral home Paliam in Chendamangalam, Paravur. Following a final viewing at the nalukettu, the cremation will take place at the nearby Paliam crematorium at 3.30 pm.

Public homage was held on Friday morning at his residence on Thottekkad Lane, Poonkunnam, and later at the Regional Theatre of the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi until the afternoon. The body was subsequently returned to his residence, Mannath House.


When the mortal remains were brought home from the mortuary, his wife Lalitha, children Lakshmi and Dinanath, daughter-in-law Sumitha, and granddaughter Nivedha were present. His brother Krishnakumar and other family members also attended.

Tributes have poured in from across the country, including from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kerala ministers K Rajan and R Bindu paid their respects on behalf of the state government by laying floral wreaths. Jose Panachippuram, editorial director of Malayala Manorama, also offered tribute to the late singer.


Jayachandran, who passed away on Thursday evening at a private medical college, sang over 16,000 songs in multiple languages, including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. His immense contribution to Indian music earned him numerous accolades, including several awards for best playback singer.

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