Kochi: In response to actress Honey Rose's sexual harassment complaint against him, businessman Boby Chemmanur said on Tuesday that he did not act with any wrong intentions during the inauguration of a jewellery store. He expressed confusion over why the complaint was filed now when the event was held months ago.

"I had compared Honey Rose to Kunti Devi from the Mahabharata, and that is true. At that time, she did not file a complaint. I only learned of it now. There was no wrong intention behind it. Calling someone Kunti Devi is not inappropriate. Stars are often adorned with jewellery at such events, as has happened many times before. Neither Honey nor I found anything wrong with it, so I don't understand why this complaint is being filed now. I believe it was a misunderstanding," Chemmanur said.


In her complaint, Rose accused Chemmanur of sexual harassment during the inauguration of his jewellery store in Alakode, Kannur, on August 7, and described the difficulties she faced on various platforms following the incident.

The actor has additionally lodged complaints against at least 20 YouTubers for using obscene thumbnails featuring her image in their videos. Acting on the advice of ADGP Manoj Abraham and Kochi City Police Commissioner Putta Vimaladitya, she met them personally before filing the complaint.


The Ernakulam Central Police on Tuesday registered a case against Boby Chemmanur following a complaint by Malayalam actor Honey Rose, accusing him of making repeated sexually inappropriate remarks that demeaned womanhood. The businessman faces charges under Section 75(4) (sexually coloured remarks) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and Section 67 (publishing or transmitting obscene material through electronic media) of the Information Technology Act, 2000.