Thiruvananthapuram: Severe entry restrictions will be in force at the Kerala Government Secretariat, in Thiruvananthapuram from January 1 as access control system is being introduced from that date. However, VIPs will be exempted from the rules to enter the Secretariat and offices of the Chief Minister and ministers.

Currently, work is underway to install various devices at the Secretariat to implement access control similar to those in metro rail stations. Subsequently, entry to the premises will be possible only with official identity cards or passes issued at the gate. Special gates will be set up at various entry points and offices for the purpose.

An advantage of the new system is monitoring the movement of Secretariat staff. However, as there is an exemption for VIPs and the definition of VIPs has not been finalized, ministers as well as their personal staff could roam unhindered in and around the Secretariat.

Meanwhile, the Chief Secretary has announced a meeting of staff organisations to discuss the new measures.

Rules for staff
ID cards: When the new entry system comes into effect, all Secretariat staff should wear their official ID. If they fail to carry it while coming to work, a temporary card will be issued. The first punch of the day will mark their attendance and the last one will be ‘punch out.’

» Other punching rules: If the employee punches again during duty time after the first punch and before the end of duty time, he or she would be considered to have kept away from work. However, if they have to visit other offices as part of duty, it has to be marked as ‘OD’ on the employee software ‘Spark’.

» 10-minute duty-break: On many occasions, Secretariat employees have to visit the nearby annex as part of work. Three 10-minute breaks will be allowed for the purpose a day.

» Grace time: Employees eligible for grace time can spend two hours and 15 minutes, including the 45-minute lunch break, outside the campus a day. More time outside will be considered as a half-day leave. If the employee is absent for more than four hours, a day’s leave will be deducted. Employees can earn grace time by working additional hours. After the new entry rules are implemented, the present grace time will be increased from 300 to 1,200 minutes.

» Ministers: As Ministers and other VIPs are exempted from punching, a master punching card will be issued to security staff to allow their entry. Cameras too will be installed to detect entry without punching.

Rules for visitors
Entry card: Visitors can approach the centre near the main entry gate and obtain visitor ID cards after submitting their details. On completing the visit, the identity card has to be returned. Failure to do so will invite a fine of Rs 500.

» E-office appointment: Visitors who have obtained appointments to meet Secretariat officials through the e-office facility should show the QR code at the entry centre.

Lift at Cliff House
Meanwhile, the Public Works Department (PWD) has sanctioned Rs 25.5 lakh to install a lift at Cliff House, the official residence of the Chief Minister. This follows a directive from Cliff House pointing out difficulties faced by the Chief Minister and other family members to reach the upper floor of the two-storey building.

Recently, PWD had also built a cattle shed at Cliff House spending Rs 42 lakh.

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