Elizabeth Udayan, actor Bala’s former partner has confirmed that she was previously married to a doctor before she fell in love with the actor. She revealed that it was Bala who helped her get a divorce and had requested her to keep it a secret. Bala’s wife Kokila, in a recent video had claimed that Elizabeth had married a doctor in a registered marriage secretly and that she has been taking medicines for the last fifteen years. She also challenged Elizabeth to reveal the truth about her marriage. 

Now, Elizabeth has posted another video as a reply to Kokila’s accusations. “Finally, the cat is out of the bag. Although she says that her mama (Bala) had asked her not to say anything, the video is posted in ‘mama’s’ account. Now, let me get to the point. My wedding was in May 2019. We lived together for three weeks. But, it took some time for me to get a divorce. It is true that I had married a doctor. We met each other through a matrimonial site. 


He (Bala) helped me get a divorce then. I have sufficient proof. Ours was a mutual divorce. The marriage was fixed after both families officiated it. Around 1,800 guests attended the engagement ceremony. Ours was not a discreet wedding held at a register office. He is now happily married," she said. 

Elizabeth said she never hid details about her previous marriage to Bala. 


" I entered into a relationship with him after disclosing everything about my marriage. It was he who helped and supported me during the divorce. I had a Facebook profile in which my relationship status was noted as ‘divorcee’. He proposed after seeing that profile," she said and added that it was Bala who asked her to keep silent about her previous marriage to avoid embarrassment. However, I was not ashamed to tell that I was a divorcee. I had kept my relationship status as a ‘divorcee’ in a Facebook account that had 5000 friends and 16,000 followers," she said on Facebook.

Elizabeth also addressed accusations by Kokila who claimed that she was under medication for the past 15 years. "I am 31 years old now. I wonder what medicine I have been taking for the last 15 years. From what Kokila had said, I would have started taking the medicine when I was 15 years old. I must have had medicines for flu, stomach pain, or dysentery. You need to provide proof if you are making such accusations. I started taking medicines for depression only recently," said Elizabeth who also alleged that Bala and his wife are trying to make vile allegations against her without proof.

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