Berlin: Malayala Manorama has bagged two awards of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).

Manorama Weekly won the silver medal in the business innovation category, while the Malayala Manorama circulation department secured the bronze medal.

Manorama Weekly editor-in-charge K A Francis and circulation department vice-president M Rajagopal Nair received the awards at the Berlin Publishing Night, an industry event held on October 8.

The Weekly won the prize for implementing the QR code that enables the user listen to novels and articles and watch film songs. The implementation of mini-agricultural farm project in association with the agricultural department also favoured the Weekly to pip other contenders.

The distribution of publications via post to readers without plastic cover, and the promotion of a newspaper box to prevent delivered newspapers and other publications from getting soaked during rains helped the circulation department win the prize.

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