Thiruvananthapuram: A Keralite's food startup, True Elements, has got an investment of Rs 10 crore from the Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund.

A native of Olavakkode in Palakkad, Sreejith Moolayil started True Elements in 2017. The startup is based out of Pune.


Healthy food is prepared using food grains procured locally and sold. Apart from online sales, True Elements has a presence in over 6,000 shops in the country. No chemicals or food processing methods are used.

The freeze-drying method is used wherein fruits are kept at minus 40 degrees Celsius and the water content is completely removed.


The startup has 174 employees. True Elements recorded three-times more the growth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Maharashtra government's fund is coordinated by the SIDBI, which makes investments in social initiatives.

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