Actress and television presenter Ranjini Haridas recently posted that she has embarked on a water fasting therapy, leading to debates and discussions on social media about the fasting method. Lots of people have been commenting that such extreme practices could even put her life in danger. However, Ranjini explained in her note that she was doing the regime, which involves surviving only on water for 21 days, under the strict guidance of health experts. Water fasting is not a novel idea for Indians as people often observe different kinds of fasts for religious reasons. Moreover, we have read the stories and legends of great sages who meditated for years without eating a morsel of food or drinking a drop of water. Besides, water fasting is suggested before medical procedures including surgeries. A person who is on water fasting abstains from eating food and drinks only water for a certain period. This therapy has been gaining popularity, lately, for reducing body weight and for flushing out toxins.

Advantages of the therapy
It is believed that water fasting has many amazing health benefits. Some studies note that besides reducing body weight, water fasting could help reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack and diabetes. Moreover, water fasting could stimulate the autophagy process in which a cell recycles damaged parts of itself to create new parts. However, you could observe water fasting for only up to 24 – 72 hours. Health experts warn against doing water fasting for longer durations without proper medical monitoring.
There isn’t any credible scientific research or guidelines regarding the effectiveness of water fasting. It must be noted that water fasting is not for everyone, especially those who suffer from gout, diabetes or any other eating disorders. Moreover, elderly people, pregnant women and kids shouldn’t try such extreme methods. Those who haven’t tried water fasting before should prepare their body by eating small quantities of food for 3 -4 days. You could either cut down the portions or skip a meal. As you may feel nausea while water fasting, people whose job involves driving vehicles should stay away from it.


What to do after water fasting?
After observing water fasting for 1 -3 days, try not to eat huge portions of food. Having lots of food after fasting may alter the balance of minerals and electrolytes in your body. Ranjini Haridas claims to observe water fasting under the guidance of experts. Attempting fad diets or fasting methods without proper guidance and monitoring may be dangerous.