Harris and family wanted only a single-storied house. They had another condition too – a structure on a budget of Rs 13 lakh which could under unavoidable circumstances be stretched to Rs 15 lakh. Designer Saalim undertook the work on the basis of these conditions.

The sit-out and the work area of the north-facing structure were given equal priority as per the owner’s demand. This was because the kitchen and work area were quite close to the family’s ancestral home and the old house needed to be shown due respect. Hence, just like the sit-out, the work area was also done in box and pergola design. Another house can easily be built behind the structure that came up on the narrow, long plot.


The structure does not enjoy a showy frontage. The porch and the sunshades have sloping roofs with tiles laid on them. The exterior has been done up in claddings. The stair room has bars worked with G.I. square pipes.


The drawing room, though not very large, looks neat and colourful with its well-designed sofa set. Curtains have been put up to set the drawing space apart from the dining section. Square pipes have been given as window bars in the dining section.


The floors are of marble sourced from Bengaluru. The kitchen cabinets are all in hexawood. The leftover steel from the railings and what was left of the granite floors were put together to make a table in the kitchen. Ferrocement slabs in the bedroom were given shutters with plywood and mica.


How cost was cut:


* There was no lag in work and it was executed in record time. This helped a lot in cutting costs.

* The owner himself bought all the building materials and undertook labour contracts.

* Different varieties of wood were used. Costly wood was used wherever there was termite threat. Mahogany and jackwood were the wood varieties used.

* All the doors inside have ready-made doors costing Rs 1,800 a piece. The bathrooms have been fitted with fibre doors.

* The kitchen has been attractively done with hexawood. This was quite an economical deal.

Project facts

Area: 1250 sq ft

Designer: P.M.Saalim

A.S.Design Home, Kottakkal


Location: Pookkiparambu, Malappuram

Year of completion: October, 2017

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