‘Puli rasam’ or ‘tharavattu puli’ is a simple syrupy dish which is an ideal accompaniment for freshly prepared rice. The main ingredients of puli rasam, which is very easy to make, are tamarind and shallots. It can also be prepared within a short time, by following these steps:

Tamarind in the size of a gooseberry
20 numbers of shallots
2 numbers of green chillies
2 numbers of red chillies
¼ teaspoon fenugreek
¼ teaspoon mustard
2 sprigs of curry leaves
Coconut oil
Salt to taste

Soak the tamarind in water and keep it aside
Heat an earthen pan; pour sufficient coconut oil and sauté the mustard, fenugreek, red chillies, green chillies, curry leaves, shallots and asafoetida in it
Squeeze the tamarind and add the juice to the pan along with salt.
Stir the mixture thoroughly for some time
The simple and tasty puli rasam which you can enjoy with a good amount of hot rice is ready

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