Mackerel, rich in omega 3 fatty acids, is a fleshy fish with a distinct flavour of its own. Whole mackerel grilled with spicy masala, inside a plantain leaf packet is simply delightful. The fish absorbs the flavour from the masala mixture and the plantain leaf. Here is how a whole mackerel is grilled to perfection.

2 mackerels
2 tsp chilli powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp black pepper powder
Salt as required
Coconut oil, as required
½ tsp fenugreek seeds
1 onion (finely chopped)
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tomato (finely diced)
3 green chillies (chopped)
1 tsp chilli powder
Salt as required
Curry leaves as required

Clean the mackerels, score them and marinate with chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder, and salt 
Keep the marinated mackerels aside for at least half an hour
Fry the marinated fishes in coconut oil
Heat some more coconut oil in the same pan and add the fenugreek seeds
Then sauté the onions, ginger paste, garlic paste, tomatoes, green chillies, chilli powder, salt and curry leaves until the oil separates
Lightly roast a plantain leaf and spread the masala mixture on it
Place the fried mackerel on top of it and spread more masala over it
Wrap the plantain leaf and cook for 10 minutes on low flame.

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