Try this tasty ola ada

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Ola ada, made in coconut palm leaves packets, is cooked in the steam that comes from water that has been boiled with mimosa pudica leaves (shame plant). Interestingly, the mimosa pudica leaves are known for its incredible medicinal properties. Check out the recipe of ola ada.
2 cups of rice flour
2 sprigs coconut palm leaves
1 ball of jaggery
100 gms dates
10 gms cardamom
Cumin as required
1 small pack roasted peanuts
2 cups grated coconut
Mix the rice flour into sticky dough by adding scalding hot water
Into it add jaggery shavings, grated coconut, cardamom, cumin and finely chopped dates
Mix well
Spread this dough on the long coconut leaf
Place the roasted peanuts in the centre
Cover it using another coconut leaf
Secure both ends of the ada packets using strings
Take some water in an earthen pot
Put the pudica mimosa leaves in the water
Cover the mouth of the pot using a few coconut leaves
Boil this water
When steam begins to rise, place the ada packets on the coconut leaves
Cook with a lid on
Enjoy tasty and nutritious ola ada with your evening tea.