Jam rolls are a bakery favourite of many in Kerala. Check out this recipe for pan-fried jam rolls which can be made without electric beaters or oven.

¾ cup all-purpose flour
½ cup sugar
1 egg
½ cup milk
40 gm butter
¼ tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 pinch salt
3 tbsp + 1½ tbsp softened jam
3 tbsp desiccated coconut


Boil the butter and milk
Beat the sugar and the egg in the mixer jar until they are nice and fluffy
Into it add the all-purpose flour, milk powder, baking powder and salt
Now add the warm butter and milk mix
Blend in mixer jar; however, do not overbeat the batter
Spread a sheet of butter paper on the pan
Pour the batter
Cook for 10 minutes on medium flame with the lid on
Place another sheet of paper over the hot cake
Sprinkle icing sugar or powdered sugar on this
Flip this cake into a plate
Place one more sheet of butter paper on the other side of the cake
Flip the cake again and take off the butter paper
Now spread the softened jam on the cake
Tightly roll the cake by holding on to the butter paper below
Keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes
Take it out and spread the rest of the jam on the roll
Sprinkle the desiccated coconut on it
Cut into small jam roll pieces.

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