Actor Biju Sopanam has charmed the mini screen audience as lovable Balu in the popular sitcom 'Uppum Mulakum.' Biju, who began his journey in acting with the drama stage, later got his big break on the mini screen.

He is now doing interesting roles in movies as well. The actor has recently moved into his new house and the family inaugurated the kitchen by cooking together.

"I am a foodie; everyone would understand that seeing this big tummy," laughs Biju. The actor says he eats anything that doesn't bite him back. "We have just moved into this house. The kitchen isn't stocked with lots of things. This is for the first time that we are cooking something in this kitchen after the house warming ceremony. So, we are preparing a simple omelet with whatever ingredients we have," says Biju.

Biju, who has acted in plays for over two decades, says that drama actors share a special bond with thattukada (wayside eatery). Most hotels are closed when the troupe wraps up the show past midnight. So, they often resort to hot dosas and omelet that are commonly served in the wayside eateries. "I have been in love with omelet since then. It is quite an art to beat the eggs perfectly, making the fluffiest omelet, and then transferring it into the plate without breaking it," explains the actor.


Biju who is game to try different dishes and cuisines, however, loves the traditional Keralite cuisine the most. Mambazha pulissery, tamarind fish curry, lady finger mezhukku puratty (stir fry), ulli theeyal (shallots cooked in spiced coconut paste) and omelet are some of his favourite dishes. He says he could eat plates full of rice if any one of these dishes is served. Among the dishes that he loves cooking, the fish curry is his favourite.

"I have visited many foreign countries as part of shoots. I have tried some unique dishes and cuisines as well. I ate snake once in Korea. I realized it was snake meat only when I was chewing it. I was confused for a second whether to swallow it or spit it out. I was worried whether I would die if the snake is venomous. I had tried fried baby octopus as well. Just like crabs and squids are fired here, you would get fried octopus there. It is a delicious crunchy snack," recalls Biju.

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