Close on the heels of the Thiruvananthapuram - Kasaragod Vande Bharat getting upgraded to a 20-coach express, the railway has also decided to double the coaches of Kerala's second Vande Bharat train. The Thiruvananthapuram - Alappuzha - Mangaluru Express (20631/20632) will soon have 16 coaches. The launch date of its upgrade has not been announced yet. As per reports, the move is following its massive popularity and revenue.  The Thiruvananthapuram - Kasaragod (20634/20633) train enjoyed a 100% booking for its first service. The train, which starts its service from Mangaluru at 6.25 am, reaches Thiruvananthapuram at 3.05 pm. In the return direction, it leaves Thiruvananthapuram at 4.05 pm and reaches Mangaluru at 12.40 am. 

Recently, the railways had also doubled the number of coaches of the Secunderabad - Visakhapatnam Vande Bharat Express (20707/20708). Its first service will be launched today and will have a 1,128-passenger capacity. The South Central Railways General Manager Arun Kumar Jain recently said that the doubling of the train capacities will help passengers benefit much more from the Vande Bharat train's high-speed services.  

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