Grooving to some music beats while whipping or having a peppy track in the background while waiting for your oven timer to beep might not be a bad idea. In fact, music makes everything more interesting. It can even enliven the tiresome wait for your baked treat to get done. The umpteen music streaming apps available now offer you the option to find the music that fits your mood in a quick search.

Setting playlists to set the mood for a jog or a workout session is no longer a novelty. But having a playlist titled “POV: You're a bee” or “if Ben Stiller's delivery of 'I've had a rough year, dad' were a playlist” is a bit unconventional to put it lightly.

Oddly, specific playlists have become a norm as music streaming gained popularity (example: “POV: You're buying a carton of eggs in the supermarket but one is cracked”).

Now a Spotify user has taken their cooking playlist to the next level – by putting up an entire recipe in it. User 'Alienaliart' stumbled across the playlist on the microblogging site Tumblr which she then recreated on Spotify.

The playlist is titled “gonna make banana bread” and begins with the 2021 BTS bop 'Butter'. Butter is soon followed by the track 'Milk' by The 1975 and 'Sugar' by Maroon 5. If you go further down, you will notice a pattern. It is no ordinary playlist, but the whole recipe to make banana bread. The user lists out all the ingredients required to make the treat using song titles. By the time the playlist reaches the tenth track, the song titles become steps for preparation. The user brilliantly put the song '360 Degrees' by Push Button Objects to indicate the oven temperature required to bake the banana bread.

But the story doesn't end there. The user continue to tell the tragic fate of their banana bread through songs once the preparation is over. Apparently, the bread was too hot when they tried to take it out and they had to 'Drop It Like It's Hot'. An embarassed user then decides to 'Go To The Store' and get a banana bread. They end the playlist with the tracks 'Better Than Nothing' by Riarosa and 'i guess?' by Elias.

Though the user had been unlucky with their baking adventures, that doesn't mean you would be. This playlist is the perfect inspiration to try your hands at homemade banana bread. Even if you forget to add some ingredient, the songs in it would remind you. Just get a hold of some thick mittens to grab the hot bread out of the oven to avoid the playlist-maker's fate.

Here is a recipe to help you:

8 tbsp butter, unsalted and melted
1/4 cup of milk
1 cup of sugar (granulated )
2 cups of all-purpose flour
3 big bananas, very ripe
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Heat the oven to 360°F
Mash up the bananas in a bowl
Combine the butter and sugar in another bowl
Add the eggs to the butter-sugar mixture
Add milk and vanilla to it
Add the mashed bananas to this mixture and stir well
Add the flour, baking soda, and salt
Coat a pan with cooking spray
Pour the batter into the pan
Bake for 50-65 minutes
Let it cool for 10 minutes
Remove from the pan and cool another 10 minutes

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