Fans and colleagues recently expressed concern over actor Vishal’s health during the pre-release event of his latest film, 'Madha Gaja Raja'. The actor appeared visibly exhausted and required assistance to make his way to the stage. His hands were seen trembling as he spoke about the film, and his words occasionally slurred, raising alarm among fans. A video capturing these moments quickly went viral, sparking speculation about his condition.

Reports suggested that Vishal might have been suffering from a severe fever during the event, but the actor has not made any official statement regarding his health.

'Madha Gaja Raja' marks a long-awaited release for Vishal after 12 years of delays. Initially slated for a Pongal release in 2013, the film faced financial setbacks that halted its debut. Directed by Sundar, the movie had already released a trailer and a song before being shelved. Now, after more than a decade, it is finally set to hit screens this Pongal.
The film features Anjali and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar as the female leads, with Sonu Sood portraying the main antagonist.