Actor Siddique's son Rasheen passes away

Rasheen (Right) with his father Siddique and brother Shaheen. Photo | Instagram

The elder son of veteran actor Siddique passed away in Kochi on Thursday. As per reports, Rasheen, 37, was admitted to a private hospital after he developed breathing issues. The funeral will be held at the Juma Masjid in Padamugal on Thursday evening.
Rasheen's younger brother Shaheen is a film actor who has appeared in several Malayalam movies. He made his debut in the Mammootty-starrer 'Pathemari' and was last seen in 'Sesham Mike-il Fathima'. He played prominent roles in films, including 'Shafeekkinte Santhosham', 'Sashiyum Sakunthalayum', among others.

Rasheen during his brother Shaheen's wedding function, which was held in Kochi last year. Photo | Instagram

Shaheen had introduced his differently-abled brother Rasheen to the media during his wedding festivities last year. Photos of Shaheen, his wife Amrutha Das and Siddique posing happily with Rasheen went viral on social media. In one of his previous interviews, Shaheen had spoken about his family bond and love for his elder brother.
“Rasheen is always the first one to know about what is happening in all our lives. It makes me extra happy to see how both my wife and brother have also bonded,” he shared.

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