Mammootty's recent film, 'Kaathal- The Core,' has garnered widespread acclaim, transcending geographical boundaries, with praise pouring in even from Tamil Nadu. Tamil journalist Vishan V expressed astonishment at Mammootty's portrayal in the movie, stating that he remains in shock. Vishan highlighted Mammootty's divergence from the trend of Tamil stars chasing grand productions, commending the actor for embracing diverse roles and expanding his career.

According to Vishan, the audience was taken aback, particularly during the interval scene, as they remained glued to their seats, stunned by the boldness of the film. He highlighted the unexpected nature of such a daring role being taken up by a prominent star like Mammootty, deeming it truly surprising.
Vishan emphasized that it was unimaginable for Mammootty, whose star power rivals that of Rajinikanth or Kamal Haasan, to undertake such a role.

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