Jyothika is making her comeback to Malayalam cinema after a hiatus of 13 years. Her return features her alongside Mammootty in the film 'Kaathal,' directed by Jeo Baby. Recently, Mammootty and Jyothika engaged in a conversation with Manorama Online, shedding light on their collaboration and the film.

During the interview, Jyothika reflected on her career growth. She shared, 'Initially, I wanted to take on roles that offered equal importance to both male and female actors. However, at the beginning of my career, I focused on working in films with prominent heroes to establish myself and earn. Entering the film industry at the age of 17, I had limited maturity. As I grew and matured, I began to understand the roles I should take on as a woman—roles that are more responsible'.


Expressing her realization of the challenges faced by women and the obstacles they encounter, Jyothika emphasized her commitment to portraying characters that explore these difficulties. Noting the scarcity of such roles in Tamil cinema, she explained that her comeback involved a deliberate decision to take on roles that, even if portraying mothers or wives, carry depth and significance.