Matthew Perry, known for his role in Friends, tragically passed away at the age of 54 due to an accidental drowning in his Los Angeles home. In response to his untimely death, Perry's family has shared their grief in an official statement, saying, “We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of our beloved son and brother. Matthew brought so much joy to the world, both as an actor and a friend. You all meant so much to him and we appreciate the tremendous outpouring of love,” read the official statement obtained by PEOPLE.

Matthew Perry, renowned for his portrayal of Chandler Bing in the series, unexpectedly left the world in shock on a Sunday morning. The show, which is available on Netflix, ran for 10 seasons and brought immense acclaim to its cast. In recognition of his talent, the late actor received a Primetime Emmy nomination in 2002 for his performance in the sitcom.