The National Film Awards Ceremony will be held at Vigyan Bhavan in Delhi on Tuesday. The function will be attended by winners of the awards along with their families. President Droupadi Murmu will give away the awards to the winners. The function will begin at 3.00 pm and will be streamed live on DD National. Those who wish to view the ceremony online can watch it on DD's National YouTube channel.

Several winners have already reached the capital for the function. Actors Allu Arjun and Alia Bhatt who won the Best Actor and Actress awards respectively, are attending the function with their loved ones and well-wishers. Mollywood films have also received top honours at this year's National Film awards. While Indrans received special mention for his performance as Oliver Twist in the movie 'Home', Vishnu Mohan bagged the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director for his film 'Meppadiyan'.

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