Joshiy's latest film 'Paappan' starring Suresh Gopi hit theatres on July 29. The movie, which is a crime thriller entered the Rs 50 crore club three weeks after its release. The film, scripted by R J Shaan, marks Suresh Gopi and Joshiy's collaboration after 22 years. The actor was last seen in Joshiy's movie 'Vazhunor'.

Suresh Gopi is also uniting with his son Gokul onscreen for the first time in this movie.


After a successful run in theatres, now the film is all set to start streaming on Zee 5 from September 7. The OTT platform announced the news on its twitter handle recently. Neetha Pillai plays the female lead in the movie. She appears as the police officer investigating a series of crimes. Asha Sharath also plays a prominent role in the film, while Nyla Usha, Tiny Tom, Shammi Thilakan and Kaniha are also seen in the movie.

The film is bankrolled by David Kaachapilli Production and Ifar Media Banner.