Malayalam actor Nikhila Vimal who won the internet recently for her statement on cow slaughter said she has no regrets over her statements and would want her colleagues in the movie industry to not hesitate from speaking their minds.

The actor was in Dubai for the promotion of her recent movie Jo and Jo. Nikhila said many from the industry lauded her comments while some felt it was unnecessary. "When such a question was asked, I shared my view on the matter. I believe everyone should have an opinion and not hesitate to express it," said Nikhila.

Earlier this month, while responding to a query on cow slaughter in an interaction with a website, Nikhila had said there was no system in the country preventing that. She went on to say that she consumed beef. "You either slaughter all animals or you don't slaughter at all," Nikhila had said.

The actor was lauded for the bold remarks in the light of incidents of cow vigilante violence in the country. Nikhila added that she wasn't bullied online for her remarks and said it wouldn't bother her anyway.

Meanwhile, Harris Desom, the producer of Jo and Jo said the controversy involving Nikhila proved to be good promotion for his film.