Much to the delight of their fans, Malayalam actor-couple Dileep and Kavya Madhavan on Sunday released a photo of their toddler daughter Mahalakshmi for the first time.

Dileep posted the photo on Facebook. In the photo, Mahalakshmi is sitting on the lap of Dileep's mother Sarojam Pillai. Apart from Dileep and Kavya, Dileep's daughter Meenakshi is also seen in the photo.

Meenakshi is Dileep's daughter from his earlier marriage with actor Manju Warrier.

"Mahalakshmi with her father, mother, daughter and grandmother on her first birthday," Dileep wrote on Facebook. Kavya also posted the same photo and caption on her Facebook page.


Dileep and Kavya got married in November 2016 at a private function in Kochi. The couple were blessed with the baby girl on October 19, 2018.