Actor Sanjay Dutt's biopic 'Sanju' may have drawn contrasting reactions from viewers but Ranbir Kapoor's spectacular portrayal of Sanjay Dutt got steady admiration from cinema-goers.

The makers have released a six-minute video that gives a peek into all the hard work that went into Ranbir's transformation into Sanjay Dutt.

The biopic's subject has gone through myriad changes through his roller-coaster life and transforming into Sanjay Dutt meant at least five distinct looks need to be worked on. In the video, we get a view of Ranbir's gym routine when he was transforming into the hunky, muscular Sanju from the 90s. He reveals getting up at 3 am to have protein shakes, something he never imagined he would do.

The body transformation may be credited to Ranbir and his trainers, but the even more difficult task was with the make-up and hairstyle team. The hardest look to take up according to Ranbir was the 'coming out of jail' look because it was very fresh in people's minds.

In a time-lapse section, we are shown how multiple looks were tried and rejected for the final perfect look to be approved, each look taking almost six hours!

The video reached among top-five trending videos in India on YouTube because it gave a rare chance to audiences to look beyond the screen. Call it a promotion or a publicity stunt, it does not take away the utter dexterity that goes into good cinema.

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