Covid positive candidate too take KAS main exams

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Thiruvananthapuram: The evaluation of Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) main exams conducted by the Public Service Commission will be carried out next month. The exams concluded on Saturday.
PSC chairman M K Sakeer said that the interviews would be completed after publishing the shortlist of candidates in January. The final rank list is expected to be published by February.
About 95 percent of candidates took the exams over the last two days.
The Main examination comprised three papers in the descriptive format. Each paper is of 2 hours each for a maximum of 100 marks per paper. (KAS preliminary examination was held on February 22, 2020. It comprised two papers with objective type questions.)
Some of the participants skipped the second paper as the first paper was reportedly a tough one.
Three candidates who were tested Covid positive took the exams over two days.
The candidates who arrived at the centre after the prescribed time were not allowed to take the exams. Even though one of the candidates threatened to demolish the gate and enter the hall forcibly, the authorities did not yield to his threats.
Another candidate who jumped the wall after the closure of the main gate was ejected out of the centre. A candidate, who violated the ban on bringing electronic gadgets into the hall, was caught by the officials.
The PSC said that the answer keys examined by the expert committee will be finalised before evaluation. The PSC is following the on screen system for evaluation.