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Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025
Here's an easy recipe with lots of shallots, ginger, chillies, Malabar tamarind and more.
The idea isn't to eliminate fat from your diet, but to include the good fats that help in positive mind and body alignment.
Mackerels are storehouses of omega-3 fatty acids. Check out the special recipe of this mackerel curry.
This fish curry is well-balanced with the perfect amount of spiciness and sourness. Check out the recipe for Trivandrum-style fish curry.
Fish cooked in fried coconut paste will make a meal a real treat.
Locally sourced tamarind is used in this dish for better flavour. This dish is easy to prepare and tastes spectacular with rice.
Mackerels soaked in wholesome gravy
Cancer happens when a cell or a group of cells in our body forget their duties and multiply beyond control. The diets, stress, carcinogens, effects of harmful radiations, viruses, or hormones also contribute in some way or the other in causing cancer. Researches show that most of the time the
Whole mackerel grilled with spicy masala, inside a plantain leaf packet is simply delightful.
Check out this simple recipe of stuffed mackerels which has bags of flavour in it.
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