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There are no lab tests to diagnose the condition.
Stroke happens when the blood vessels in the brain are either blocked by a clot (thrombosis) or when they burst (haemorrhage).
Sathyaraj's daughter recently revealed it through her social media post.
Paes had to undergo 30 MRI scans and a biopsy test before identifying his condition.
Steps have been taken to do a case control study to determine the reason why only some people who used the same water source contracted the disease.
This can lead to better learning outcomes by activating neural pathways.
The initial stages after the onset of menopause, which is a natural biological transition in women, cause a range of mental and physical changes.
The source of the earlier infections remains unidentified, and this new case marks the third location in the district where the disease has emerged.
Though managing symptoms is possible through medication, there is no cure for Angelman Syndrome.
The amoebae that live in the sludge at the bottom of the water body is kicked up when the bed is disturbed by divers and swimmers.
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