Bahubali actor Sathyaraj, who immortalised the role of Kattappa in the movie, has been quite busy with film projects, but not many know that he has also been taking care of his wife Maheswari, who has been in a coma for the past four years. This came to light when his daughter and nutritionist, Divya Sathyaraj, recently posted about it on her online page. Divya said that the actor, despite his wife's condition, is a devoted parent.
She wrote, "My amma has been a coma patient for 4 years. She is at home, and we feed her through a PEG tube. We were totally shattered, but we will wait for a medical breakthrough with hope and positivity. We know we will get amma back." While the post does not mention what caused the condition, Divya confirmed her mother had a brain haemorrhage when a follower asked her what the reason for the condition was. She replied, "'There were no symptoms, it happened suddenly."

What is a 'silent haemorrhage?'
When a brain haemorrhage occurs suddenly without any previous symptoms, it is referred to as a 'subclinical' haemorrhage or 'silent' haemorrhage. A brain haemorrhage can happen due to many reasons like head traumas, high blood pressure, weakening of blood vessel walls, abnormality of blood vessel walls, bleeding disorders, liver disease and brain tumours. Anyone with blood pressure variations, those who use blood thinners, tobacco or face complications during or after pregnancy can be at risk for brain haemorrhage. 


Common symptoms of brain haemorrhage
1) Severe, sudden headache
2) Vomiting and nausea
3)Sudden seizures
4) Sensitivity to light
5) Lethargy
6) Double vision
7) Stiff neck
8) Difficulty in breathing
9) Numbness
10) Abnormal heart rate