The Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA) will be hosting a roundtable on November 25 on the changing links between Big Tech and digital media .
The survery found that most employees favoured a hybrid model, alternating between working from home and office on specific days of the week.
Keeping in mind the employee's physical and emotional well-being, companies and employers are looking at ways to support their workforce.
Facebook Inc is going so far as to take the 'social' out of social media and has banned non-business visitors to its offices.
Around 46 penal provisions will be amended to either remove criminality, or to restrict the punishment to only fine.
It also revealed that of the total prescribed amount of Rs 23,247.90 crore to be spent by the mandated companies on CSR, only 57 per cent has been spent.
The corporate tax rate will be 22 per cent for domestic companies, if they do not avail any incentive or concession.
The four dominant sectors include automotives, metals and metal-processing, chemicals and pharmaceuticals and professional, scientific and technical services.
NetObjex, which deals with technology that leverages artificial intelligence and Internet-of-Things, plans to leverage Serventire Global's expertise in Blockchain protocol development.