Even as Kerala Blasters returned to winning ways (1-0) against Punjab FC in the ISL on Sunday, they faced protests from the Manjappada, which seemed unmoved by the result and wanted to force the club's management to make bold decisions. "We stand, we fight we demand better" the Manjappada posted after the win.

A section of the travelling fans were seen holding banners and posters that raised serious allegations against the club's Hyderabad-based management. "Stop selling, stay buying," read one of the posters. "Scam continues," screamed another. They also called for "Action over words" and "No more mediocrity".

Manjappada protest inside the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi on Sunday. Photo: Manjappada
Manjappada protest inside the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi on Sunday. Photo: Manjappada

The protest was organised by the north wing of the Manjappada, the Blasters' biggest fan group. The protesters also held banners outside the stadium. "We are fans, not slaves of management. We deserve better" and "Stop exploiting loyalty. Enough is enough" were written on two of the banners.

One poster read, 'Results not excuses.' Under the circumstances, that poster seemed to be the most hard-hitting, as the Blasters had produced one of their best defensive performances to secure a narrow win despite being given two red cards.


The Manjappada has been firm in its opposition to the club management in the wake of poor results that led to the sacking of Head Coach Mikael Stahre in mid-December. The Blasters have only won five of their 15 matches this season, of which two wins have come in the last three.

The Manjappada has been demanding signing 'quality players and leaders in key positions', with the emphasis on a strong transfer window this month. The Blasters set up a Fan Advisory Board in an effort to passify the fans, but it has not worked.

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