The suspended chief of Pathanamthitta District Police, Sujith Das S IPS, has been transferred. On Monday, a General Administration Department order urged him to report to the Director General of Police. He has yet to be assigned a new role.

The order comes in reaction to Nilambur MLA P V Anvar's recent revelations, which put Sujith Das in a spot. Anvar leaked a phone conversation with Sujith Das, in which the former Malappuram SP was heard pleading to withdraw a complaint in a tree-felling case in Malappuram.


The damning leak angered the state police, with DIG Ajitha Beegum saying it put the force in a bad light. MLA Anvar had claimed Sujith Das was playing to the tune of ADGP M R Ajith Kumar, whose activities he likened to the infamous Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. “Sujith Das is headed to the Central jail,” MLA Anvar told media persons on Sunday.  

Meanwhile, V G Vinod Kumar IPS, SP of Special Investigation Unit-1, VACB, has been appointed District Police Chief of Pathanamthitta.