HML announces aid for dependants of plantation workers who died in Wayanad landslide

A file photo from the search operation in a landslide-hit area in Wayanad. Photo: Manorama

Harrisons Malayalam Ltd has announced a special Death Benefit Fund to the dependants of those employees who have lost their lives in Wayanad landslide. This fund will be a minimum of Rs100000 or more depending on the balance years of service of the deceased employee. This will be over and above the statutory benefits.

Besides essential relief kits containing food, utensils, clothing, and hygiene products will be distributed to all affected employee families. ''In the calamity, we have 41 employees and 48 family members either declared dead or missing. We are organising alternate accommodation for 127 families who have lost their homes.

"These families will be provided with accommodation with necessary facilities in our other estates like Arrapetta, Chundale, Achoor and divisions of Sentinel Rock Estate which have not been affected. This will be done in a way ensuring that they have a safe and secure place to stay and can get employment in estates where they are staying. We will be providing medical facilities and support to the direct dependents of our deceased employees for next 3 years at our Group Hospital,'' said Benil John, General Manager- Tea Operations, Harrisons Malayalam Ltd.

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