Kozhikode: The 14-year-old boy who contracted the Nipah virus infection breathed his last while undergoing treatment at Kozhikode Government Medical College Hospital on Sunday. The child from Malappuram was on ventilator support. Health Minister Veena George told the media that the child suffered a massive cardiac arrest around 10.50 am on Sunday. The death was confirmed around 11.20 am."Though the doctors tried their maximum to revive the child, they could not save him,” said health minister.

The body was buried on Sunday evening at Odompatta Old Juma Masjid, adhering to strict Nipah protocol to prevent further spread of the virus. The deceased's close relative, Abdul Khader, led the burial rituals. Four distant relatives carried the body to the grave while health officials, police personnel, and local body representatives monitored the proceedings from a safe distance to ensure compliance with safety guidelines.
The body arrived in Pandikkad around 7 pm after being transported from the Kozhikode Government Medical College Hospital. Following the burial, the Pandikkad panchayat convened a meeting to evaluate the situation.


The boy's condition deteriorated before the monoclonal antibody procured from Australia could be administered. Usually, this medicine should be given to a patient within five days after contracting the virus. The minister said that the medical board had decided to administer monoclonal antibody to the boy as a last attempt to save his life. 
The child's father and uncle are at the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital.

Meanwhile, four people listed in the high-risk category of the boy's contact list are undergoing treatment at the Manjeri Medical College Hospital. Among them, one person is admitted to the ICU. Doctors confirmed that a child under treatment is suffering from viral fever.


Child developed symptoms on July 12
The child from Malappuram's Pandikkad had sought treatment at a private clinic on July 12. He was admitted to the same private hospital on July 15 but was later shifted to the private hospital at Perinthalmanna. When doctors suspected Nipah infection, they shifted the boy to a private hospital at Kozhikode where he was kept in an isolation ward. Later he was he was moved to Kozhikode MCH after the National Institute of Virology in Pune on Saturday confirmed that he had contracted Nipah virus.

21 Nipah deaths in Kerala
This was fifth Nipah outbreak to be detected in Kerala. With this, Nipah deaths in Kerala touched 21 since 2018. The infection was first reported in 2018 in Kozhikode. Subsequent outbreak was reported in 2019 in Kochi. In 2021 and 2023 the infections were reported again in Kozhikode.

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