A sad quote & suicide, a family and village mourn Idukki air hostess' death

Sreelakshmi. Photo: Special arrangement

Idukki : Life would never be the same for Biju, a mason at Chempakkapara, a small village in Idukki. He is the father of Sreelakshmi, an air hostess who was found hanging in her hostel room in Gurgaon. On Monday morning he received a phone call from Gurgaon police. The official spoke in Hindi, Biju struggled to gather what was being told. He rang a vicar from the nearby church who then contacted the police. His daughter was dead, found hanging in a hostel room, police told the vicar. Biju and Seema, mother of Sreelakshmi were shattered.

It was only on Sunday night that she had spoken to them over video call, she seemed happy. Why would she take her life? Even while grieving over the death of their daughter, the parents are clueless.

Sreelakshmi was the eldest of two daughters of Biju and Seema. Her mother Seema works as a home nurse. Hailing from a remote village in Idukki, Sreelakshmi dreamed big and even with their meagre income, her parents did everything to see their daughter pursue her dreams.

After completing her studies and training, she landed a job as an Air Hostess with Air India on June 6. She had completed her course in Ernakulam. They had taken an education loan to fund her studies. When their daughter got a job, the parents were proud and so was their village. She was the hope of this family and just when her dreams began to take flight, it has been snuffed out. Her body was brought to Kochi airport and was cremated on Thursday at Chempakappara. Sreelakshmi was popular in her village. As someone who got a job at an early age and she was a role model for others. Georgekutty, a neighbor and a close family friend said Sreelakshmi would talk excitedly about her flight to Australia after she got the job.

“We are still in shock. She was such a happy girl who had ambitions and dreams,” said Georgekutty.

Sreelakshmi was active on social media. A day before she took her life, her Instagram post from a quote read 'She breaks a little more every time she tries to heal'.

From the preliminary investigation of the police, it was found that she committed suicide. The cause of death will be clear only when the post-mortem report reaches Thankamani police station. Sreelakshni's bag, laptop and other things are in the possession of Air India. Biju, her father said that they don't want to go on with any further probe. '' She took her own life. We have decided not to go for any more investigation. Her bag and stuff will be taken home,'' he said.

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