Palakkad: Extreme actions of labour unions have sullied Kerala's image over the decades. Violence, forced shutdowns as well as boycott are resorted to by employees during a general strike at the bidding of union leaders. The postmaster at the head post office at Olavakode in Kerala's Palakkad district is facing scrutiny by his superiors for keeping the office locked on Friday as the nationwide general strike was on.

On Thursday morning, the employees found the post office still locked as they arrived despite the strike. Even when they contacted the postmaster, the official neither arrived at the office nor handed over the key. Finally, the police arrived and broke the lock to enable employees to enter the office by around 12:30pm.


The Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) functioning in the same building also could not be opened in the morning as the key was with the same postmaster. The PSK too could be opened only in the afternoon.

Authorities said that a report on the postmaster’s action has been submitted to the Postal Department. He had reportedly locked the head post office after the working hours on Wednesday evening and taken the keys with him. He was promoted to the post only a few days ago.

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