Chennai: Actor Dhanush’s production house, Wunderbar Films, has approached the Madras High Court against actor Nayanthara, her husband and director Vignesh Sivan, their production company Rowdy Pictures Private Limited, and Los Gatos Production Services India LLP, over the unauthorised use of video clippings from the film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the Netflix documentary Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. Wunderbar Films produced the 2015 hit movie Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.

Dhanush’s petition includes Los Gatos Production Services India LLP, the Mumbai-based Indian entity managing Netflix’s investments in the country. Since the company operates out of Mumbai, Dhanush filed an application under Section 12 of the Letters Patent Act, seeking permission to sue the entity along with the other respondents in the Madras High Court.


On Wednesday, Justice Abdul Quddhose granted the application, ruling that a significant portion of the cause of action fell within the jurisdiction of the Madras High Court. The court did not delve into the merits of the case at this stage.

The conflict reportedly stems from Nayanthara’s request for a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) to use clips from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the Netflix documentary. According to Wunderbar Films, the request was denied despite repeated appeals over two years. Despite this, the documentary allegedly used the clippings, prompting Dhanush to issue a legal notice to Nayanthara, Vignesh Sivan, and Netflix, demanding Rs 10 crore in damages.


The dispute escalated after Nayanthara published an open letter on her social media, accusing Dhanush of harbouring a personal grudge against her. This legal battle marks the latest development in the strained relationship between the two acclaimed actors.
(With LiveLaw inputs.)