After Speaker's speech, 'Emergency' echoes in President Murmu's parliamentary address

President Droupadi Murmu addresses the joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, in New Delhi, Thursday, June 27, 2024. Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla are also seen. Photo: PTI

New Delhi: President Droupadi Murmu continued the Emergency offensive initiated by Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in her first address to the joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament following the constitution of the 18th Lok Sabha and the formation of Prime Minister Modi's new government.

"Today is June 27. The imposition of Emergency on June 25, 1975, was the darkest chapter in our history, a direct attack on the Constitution. The entire country was outraged. However, India emerged victorious over such unconstitutional forces, as the traditions of our republic are at the heart of India," she said amidst protests from the Opposition.

"My government doesn't view the Constitution of India merely as a governance tool; instead, we are striving to make our Constitution a part of public consciousness," the President stated. Outside the House, Opposition MPs had held demonstrations by holding up copies of the Constitution, accusing the ruling party of undermining it. 

The President added that the Modi government has ensured a dignified life for many families who suffered due to Partition by granting them Indian nationality under the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). She also assured that her government was doing everything possible to address the NEET issue.

In her first address to the Parliament, President Murmu congratulated the newly elected members of the 18th Lok Sabha, the Speaker, and the Election Commission for the successful conduct of Lok Sabha elections. "The public has once again placed their trust in the Modi government," she affirmed, adding that national interests would be prioritised in the upcoming budget.

Murmu also highlighted the significance of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), asserting that the global order is evolving and India's efforts are bolstering its role as "Vishwa-Bandhu" (friend of the world).

Detailing the Modi government's foreign policy priorities, she emphasised India's focus on connectivity. "Whether in East Asia, the Middle East, or Europe, my government places great emphasis on connectivity. The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, envisioned by India's vision, will be one of the biggest game-changers of the 21st century," Murmu said.

The President was warmly received at the Parliament Building by Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, with an official carrying the 'Sengol', adopted as a cultural symbol by the government.

She received a guard of honour in the Parliament building lawns and was escorted to the Lok Sabha chamber by Dhankhar, Modi, Birla, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju. Before President Murmu's arrival, Rajeev Sharma, a senior Marshal in the Lok Sabha, dressed in traditional attire with a decorated scarf and turban, removed the Sengol and led a procession with Speaker Birla amid drum rolls.

The Vice President, Prime Minister, and Lok Sabha Speaker welcomed President Murmu at the Gaja Dwar of the Parliament building, proceeding to the Lok Sabha chamber in a procession led by the officer carrying the Sengol with reverence.

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