Kollam: Use of packaged foods, both read-to eat and -cook, is on the rise. Diligent customers often glance at the expiry date on the pack. But food packets often bear the "best before" label, thus providing much leeway to the producer in terms of the quality of the content. As per the latest rule, it will be mandatory now for companies to specifically mention the "expiry date" or "use by date" on packets containing food items.

The nutrients and ingredients will have to be mentioned clearly in big letters. The front portion of the packets should carry specific sign whether the food is vegetarian (green) or non-vegetarian.

Unverified and needless claims about immunity boost and health benefits should not be mentioned on the labels of edible oil products and drinking water bottles.

A detailed notification recommending comprehensive changes in packaging rules was issued on November 17 by the Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Meanwhile, many companies have come out in the open against the new conditions alleging that these are not practical.

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