MT proved that writers too could travel in planes, stay in five-star hotels

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We all knew that one day MT would pass away. Yet, unlike others, MT's physical presence is no longer with us, but everything else—the essence of his work—remains. Death couldn't fully take MT away; he still lives on in the minds and hearts of countless Malayalis. In truth, death can never take everything associated with MT.
From now on, we will wake up to a dawn without MT. It is hard to imagine such a situation; but we can find consolation in the fact that MT’s stories, novels, movies and speeches are still here.
My first introduction to MT was at the age of 17 by reading his novel ‘Naalukettu.’ Even after reading that novel for the first time over 50 years ago, I still go back to it. MT’s books are never placed on the shelf even after reading. They stay with us all the time.
MT had a serious approach to writing and life. The distance he maintained with others and his long periods of silence expanded his inner world. I often wondered how MT could achieve this posture, because we live in a world where everything is misused. Language has given way to loquacity and ideologies have become mere slogans.
MT’s success is in creating a world of his own while dissenting from the ways of the real world. The doors behind which MT kept himself aloof remained shut even when people of high ranks such as the state’s chief ministers approached him. For MT, these doors were meant to protect a writer’s consciousness and resolve. MT resisted every temptation that came his way.
During my early days as a young man in Delhi, I had seen only ministers and film stars travelling on air-planes. Writers from Kerala spent an exhausting three days in sooty and hot trains to reach Delhi to receive even the prestigious Kendra Sahitya Akademi awards.
One day, on learning that MT had arrived in Delhi, I contacted him over the phone.
“Please come,” said MT.
“Where is MT staying?” I asked.
“In the Ashok Hotel,” he replied.
I couldn’t believe it. Those days, Ashok was a luxury five-star hotel where Prime Ministers of other countries stayed while visiting Delhi. It was in that hotel that a writer from Kerala had booked a room.
MT proved to us that a writer too could travel on planes and stay in five-star hotels. He boosted the self-esteem of writers sky-high.
MT is a great writer, a great screenplay writer, great speaker and great reader. Above everything, he is great person. That great man will always be my role model. I always wished to write and live like MT. But, I never could. Who can?