Protein is an essential biomolecule that plays a crucial role in growth, muscle development and overall well-being of the body. It builds muscles, bones, skin and even cells in the body. Moreover, protein improves digestion, metabolism and immunity. Eggs are considered one of the best sources of protein. A single egg contains around 6 grams of protein. However, some vegetables are great sources of macronutrients and contain more protein than eggs. Adding these vegetables to your regular diet gives you your daily dose of high-quality protein and other important vitamins and minerals. If you are a vegetarian or prefer having more vegetables than meat, these could help you achieve your daily protein requirement. Besides, these vegetables could be enjoyed as other protein sources to increase your daily protein intake.

Spinach is a fabulous source of protein and other nutrients. One cup of cooked spinach contains around 5.4 grams of protein. Meanwhile, you get 2.9 grams of protein from 100 grams of spinach. As spinach shrinks while cooking, you could have it in multiple servings or include spinach in various meals.
Drumsticks and moringa leaves
Both drumsticks and moringa leaves could be consumed for a healthy supply of protein. 100 grams of moringa leaves contain around 9 grams of protein. These are considered one of the best quality plant proteins. Meanwhile, drumsticks that are used in South Indian dishes like sambar and curries are great for digestion and improve immunity as well as overall health. Besides, drumsticks are also storehouses of calcium, iron and antioxidants.


Broccoli has high fibre and vitamin content. 100 grams of broccoli contains 2.8 grams of protein. Meanwhile, a cup of cooked broccoli has 5.7 grams of protein, more than what you get from eggs. Besides, broccoli is rich in antioxidants, folate, and potassium, which protect the heart and improve digestion. Moreover, this cruciferous vegetable has amazing anti-inflammatory qualities, too. You could enjoy broccoli as delicious stir fries, salads or vegetable curries.
Although 100 grams of raw mushrooms contain around 3.1 grams of protein, cooked mushrooms have more protein due to water loss. You will get 5 – 7 grams of protein from one cup of cooked mushrooms. Besides, mushrooms are an amazing source of vitamins, selenium and antioxidants that boost brain activity and improve immunity. Moreover, mushrooms have nutritional qualities that can fight cancer.

Mung beans
Mung beans are a great source of plant protein. One cup of cooked mung beans contains 8 grams of protein which is more than what you get from an egg. Meanwhile, 100 grams of mung beans contain 5 grams of protein. Besides protein, mung beans are also an amazing source of fibre, vitamin K and folate, which can improve digestion. Mung beans ensure heart health while regulating the blood sugar level. Mung beans could be easily added to your meals to make them more balanced and nutrient-rich.

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