Kochi: Doctors warn that post-Covid health problems may be prolonged and could get severe in many people. Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan, co-chairman of the Indian Medical Association’s COVID task force, said that there are chances for heart attacks, stroke and blood clotting until a year after recovering from COVID-19. He cautioned that indulging in physical exercises or workouts immediately after Covid, in order to regain health could backfire.

The swelling in the blood vessels due to COVID-19 infection would be gone in two or three months. However, those who are already undergoing treatment for some other illness should be careful. Dr. Karthik Balachandran, consultant physician at Aluva district COVID hospital said that post Covid symptoms could lead to sudden heart attacks in rare cases.

Extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, memory, concentration or sleep problems and muscle pain are some of the neuro-related problems that are seen post Covid. This could worsen in patients who have had problems related to brain, earlier. Around 5% have complained of severe muscle and joint pain after Covid.


Even if it is your regular exercises, it is better to resume work out in stages. Running, playing sports like badminton and gym workouts immediately after testing negative could further weaken your body.

Avoid smoking as COVID-19 may have affected your lungs.

Those who have been undergoing treatment for other illnesses shouldn’t forget to consult the doctor and continue medication.


Try to recognise the symptoms as quickly as possible and seek treatment. The first few minutes are critical in such cases.

Try to reduce cholesterol. Including nutritious food like fruits and leafy vegetables in the regular diet would be a good idea. Make sure to keep the body hydrated by drinking enough water.


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