A person’s name has the power to bring prosperity to him or her. It is believed that the name one is called by others can have a profound influence on that person. Having the following alphabets in your name is said to have the power to invoke certain virtues as per astrology.


The letter ‘A’ has universal meaning. It leads a person to excellence and lifts him or her to greatness. ‘A’ also makes one wise. The alphabet drives a person to new discoveries, progress in one’s activity and turn into a great administrator. It also expands the person’s intelligence. All tasks taken up by him or her will be successful. Such people will overcome their setbacks in life by intelligence.



The alphabet ‘H’ aids a person in maintaining his respect. Even while affected by serious problems in life, such people will maintain a cool temperament. Strong willpower, peaceful life, job with high salary and the skill to analyze issues thoroughly are their other traits. They can anticipate trouble and resort to precautionary measures in advance. Though they may indulge in splurging and have other weaknesses, their lives will remain happy.



The ability to change the world is the main characteristic of this letter. It will help a person take precautions and also gives confidence. Such a person will have the ability to lawfully lead others to the destination he or she has planned. Impatience and haste are other traits of these people. They will show intense emotions. As the letter ‘I’ has much divine blessing, success is certain in any venture. People influenced by this alphabet will have confidence, the ability to attract others, leadership qualities, great ideas, fame and energy. Many of them will be leading a comfortable life with the interest earned from bank deposits.


This alphabet makes a person excel in arts and other creative pursuits. They will, in fact, be experts in several fields. Taking firm decisions, these people are also keen to support others of their ilk. They are extremely humble. They will steadily rise in life and increase their wealth. Their philanthropic activities will make these people popular, earning the praise of the general public.



The influence of ‘P’ helps people develop a strong and deep mind. Others will never be able to learn the secrets they keep. These people never reveal their problems. Other qualities include good self-restraint and being excellent speakers. They have a special ability to defeat opponents in a debate. Presenting crucial ideas in a debate, they earn name and fame. Enjoying art and performances, these people will be good singers too. Obedience and smartness are their additional traits. Their vibrant conversational style will please listeners. Imagination, beauty and smartness come together in them.

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