Summer season is here and the chances of dehydration will also increase in the coming days. Putting some chopped ginger into your lemonade can make it a refreshing drink. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties too. You can make this ginger syrup at home and use it whenever needed. Let's see how to make ginger ale at home. 

Four cups of water
Finely chopped ginger- 2 tbsp
Sugar - 2.5 cups
Soaked couscous - 1 tbsp
Lemon juice
Mint leaves


Boil finely chopped ginger in 4 cups of water for 15-20 minutes
Turn off the heat and strain it into another bowl
Pour the ginger syrup into another pan, add sugar and bring to a boil
Turn off the heat when the sugar dissolves and forms a syrup
Let cool well
When the lemonade is ready, pour 2 tablespoons of ginger syrup into a glass
Rub the lemon slices and mint leaves well by hand and put them in it
Pour the lemon juice into a glass and add ice cubes
Add a teaspoon of black couscous and stir well
You can add soda as well
No need to add sugar when adding this syrup to lemonade. Your ginger ale is ready.

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